09 February 2009

Sauteed Pork Chops with Apple Cider Sauce

Tonight I made "Sauteed Pork Chops with Apple Cider Sauce" for dinner.
First time making pork chops, usually I don't like them cos they are hard to chew, so I did sauteing instead of baking as told by the recipe.
3 tablespoons olive oil
5 pork chops
seasoning salt to taste
black pepper to taste
1 teaspoon chopped garlic
4 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 bottle Apple cider
1 apple, sliced
1 onion, sliced

Heat olive oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Sprinkle chops with salt, pepper, garlic. Place in hot oil, and brown on both sides. Drizzle Worcestershire sauce over chops, and pour in apple cider.

Add apple and onion, saute until apple and onion are tendered, and sauce is about 1/3 left, add salt and pepper to taste. Remove chops, apple and onion to a plate. Add some cornstarch and simmer until sauce thickens, stirring frequently. Serve sauce over chops with mash potato.
Original recipe from:


  1. 點解見唔到塊pork chop既? kakaka
    i luv the onion apple sauce!!

  2. you can find the pork chop corner, right in the middle of the pic near the mash potato. It taste okay ga! honestly this is not my favourite taste, i usually prefer salty than sweet, but quite healthy lor~

  3. 點解個個都識煮野食 gum ge?

  4. Dont you cook for yourself sometimes? 我都係LEE一兩年先開始煮.

  5. 你仲唔記得我上年整牛扒同risotto的panic attack? kakaka

  6. yes i remember... pratice more la, i can be your white mouse if you come cook! :D

  7. wow.... looks really nice.......

  8. i try to cook once a week starting last year... but mostly failed.. even with the prepared ingredients from mom... so i revert back to bread + cheese + proscuito a lot. argh.
