18 December 2009

08 November 2009

Presentation Day

I have been taking this Radio Hosting and Board Casing course since March, and was doing this final project for 3 months with 9 classmates.

Finally, today we did our presentation and tutor commented "This is the best one ever since this course started in 2007". I am just too happy today to hear that.

Also I did this presentation book and everyone loved it so much, tutor said it again and again "This is really really nice!" ha, it worths all the hard work then!

21 July 2009

South China VS Tottenham on 2nd Aug, 09

Have already bought tickets thru fans club, yay!

Open Tickets available: July 25th, 09
Box office at HK Stadium (opening hours:10am-6pm everyday)
Enquiry hotline: 2895-7964

14 July 2009


Weekend去了台北3天, 星期五晚在「西門紅樓-河岸留言展演館」看過許志安《歌人》Gig。

西門紅樓是台北古蹟之一, 外表看來有點像「西港城」, 看show前匆匆走了一圈,看來一般用作文化表演/展覽等, 就如香港的「藝穗會」。

河岸留言展演館雖然只能容納幾百人, 但裏面有酒吧, 表演台前有十數張小檯, 而我們坐在第一排其中一張, 邊飲邊看。

許志安在我們兩三米的距離唱了大概兩個鐘, 當晚90%的選曲都應該不會在香港的演唱會選唱, 還可以飲酒, 那可能是一生人一次的經驗。個show的唯一缺點是- 他唱live跟播碟一樣的! 真的唱得很好!

一向不喜歡看show時拍照/拍片, 但都忍不住拍了一段留念。

03 July 2009



第一次看到《殺人犯》的宣傳係一個月前, 放在戲院必經電梯口前的大紙版, 只看到一雙目露兇光, 但認得那是郭富城.

上星期五, 新一輪地鐵海報上場, 遠遠已看到那張血紅色上, 看似精神病的close-up照, 有點懷疑, 那是郭富城嗎? 心想- 嘩! 駛唔駛去到咁盡?

近年少見港產片有如此鋪天蓋地的宣傳, 電台, 上網, 雜誌, 邊個都走唔甩. 聞說是荷里活一間電影公司有份投資的.

不過宣傳只幫到上映初期的票房, 之後都是靠電影本身質素及口埤.

好期待, 希望看到一套好電影!

28 April 2009

Spurs in Hong Kong

This is announced in their official website, Tottenham is coming to HK this summer on 2/8/09! What a good news!

Quote from official website:

We have agreed to visit Hong Kong to face South China at the Hong Kong National Stadium on Sunday August 2, kick off TBC.
South China have claimed more domestic honours than any other side in Hong Kong and currently lead the Hong Kong national championship by eight points with three games remaining in their attempt to win a 30th league title. They are yet to suffer defeat in 21 league fixtures so far this season.
Executive Director Paul Barber said: "We are delighted to accept the invitation to visit Hong Kong to play South China. We enjoyed great success on our most recent visit to the Far East when we won the Peace Cup in South Korea in 2005 and we have always been keen to return to the region.
"The Premier League is watched by millions throughout Asia and so we feel it is important to give these supporters the opportunity to come and watch games involving Premier League clubs for themselves.
"We have always enjoyed huge support worldwide and it is a sign of our tradition and success that we can now look to expand our appeal in markets such as Asia."

08 April 2009


自從internet將生活簡化, 生活的小驚喜都少了。

明天出發外遊, 以前的日子, 要記得早些去機場check-in; 要求坐路口, 未上到機都不知地勤有沒有「坤」你。

明天機, 昨天已經check-in, 選好自己座位位置; 不特止, 我已經知道班機有哪些電影看 (回程那些都知呢), 選好來回程共8套想看的, 希望今晚睡夠, 可以看到最少3部吧!

BTW, 仲未執行李, 明天7am 出門口......

順帶一提, 國泰個網頁做得很好, user friendly之餘, 資料又齊, 感到自已受專重似的。 有些網又慢又亂, 得幾行資料重要成日error, 有時真的令人氣憤, 那些websites 或可讓你期待小驚喜的出現吧!

** 15/4/09後記:
上機後發現娛樂系統壞了, 等了三個鐘加半個鐘reset系統才有得看... 幸好那是新機, 經濟位都有商務位的系統, 很多電影選擇, 又可隨時開始/暫停電影。證明生活還是佈滿驚喜的。

26 March 2009

A night being Coldplayed

I arrived the AWP(Asia World Expo) at 7pm, had 3 beer before the show. Something I like going to qweilo concerts is that people drink before, during and after show.

Supporting act Mercury Rev were playing when we sat down at 8.30pm. Coldplay didnt start until 9.15pm with Life In Technicolor.

They played most of the songs from Viva La Vida album + some top hits like Yellow, Fix you, The Scientist...

It was a great concert! The production is very good as a band show. The backdrops were cool, there were some ball-shape projectors hanging down, very pretty. Chris Martin's vocal is a lot better than last time in HK. The show finished at 11pm.

We didn't stay for drinks after the concert as we felt too tired, it could be a better idea to stay as it took a long time queuing up for the airport express train. People were still very excited, kept singing "Viva La Vida" before and after the train, kinda cute :D

25 March 2009

My Favourite Coldplay MVs

To prepare myself to Coldplay's concert tonight, I have been listening to Viva La Vida and checking their MVs a lot, I like most of them, here are some of my favourite :)

22 March 2009

Music@ 圓|方 Ting & Akit's Birthday Party









15 March 2009


This year is my 2nd time doing the Artwalk. Last time was in 2004 and I had a great time! Missed the last 4 years , they have increased to 65 participating galleries, from 2004's 30.

Artwalk is like a moving bar, keep walking, keep drinking, keep looking, keep chatting. You know how expensive could some of the artworks be, I feel good to just go into the galleries, grab a beer, grap some chicken wings, just leave with your oilly fingers and drunk face. Being a bit silly, who cares?

Chris and I started at 7pm from Sheung Wan's The Cat Street Gallery, and walked along Hollywood Road, Hijiri joint us and we walked down to Kau U Fong, there are a few good exhibitions with local artists' works.

Hollywood Road near the escalator is still the busiest area, we did a few of them and then took the escalator up to Prince Terrace, it is my favourite area for the Artwalk, can comfortably drink a bit outside the galleries. Good to take some rest there as we walked for 3 hours already.

Old Bailey Street where we do Friday happy hour every Friday, saw those mirror works a lot, good to have a closer look and made a photo of us on it.

Managed to do a few more on Hollywood Road before they finished at 24.00, sure, still a lot more I wanted to go but I am happy with what we achieved.

14 March 2009


Happy Friday 先 Happy Hour, 幾經辛苦, 投票決定打邊爐.

人多最啱打邊爐, 一打12人圍埋十下十下, 食野, 飲野, 吹水, 一次過滿足三個願望. 而中式圓檯最正的地方, 就係可跟同檯任何一人面對面交談. 唔駛黎頸避人頭.

10 March 2009

Dog Training Class

We have had the 4th dog training class. It's going well so far, Spidy learns pretty quick, and we have learnt a lot too!

Okay... I start to understand why the parents always want their kids to show ppl what they have learnt... I still think that's selfish but... "Spidy~~! "

Show uncles and aunties what you have learnt... "SIT...!" Good Boy~~!!! Okay, "DOWN...!" Good boy~~ So smart!! "HAND..."

09 March 2009



小朋友: 唔制, 唔比肥佬剪, 要瘦佬剪。
婆婆: 去啦, 唔駛等咁耐, 即刻可以剪。(瘦佬有其他客人在等, 肥佬無)
小朋友: 唔制, 肥佬剪得太核突, 我要瘦佬剪。
婆婆: 去啦, 快D剪完我買xxx比你啦。(唔記得係用咩)

(重覆擾釀十至幾十分鐘, 小朋友終於屈服)

小朋友: (扁住咀) 好啦好啦,比肥佬剪啦。
肥佬: 我唔同你剪呀!!!
婆婆: (一臉尷尬) 係米呢,都話你麻煩... ...

故事發生在2x年前了, 我就是那個小朋友... 那應是我第一次知道「莫道你在選擇人, 人亦能選擇你」的。

聽說肥佬是老闆, 所以他串得起。那次之後, 我再沒有幫襯他們了。今晚返老家食飯, 經過這間鋪, 見到「瘦佬」還在, 突然想起這件事。食飯時提起這間店子, 家母話聽說肥佬過身了, 瘦的頂了間鋪。

上一代的社區確實親密很多, 好似「18樓c座」廣播劇般, 商鋪往往跟街坊建立感情, 街坊見面總會談天說地 (也可說三道四)。現在某些地方還有這份感覺的, 請好好珍惜。

02 March 2009

一百萬零一夜 Slumdog Millionaire

Watched on Saturday night, totally full house, even first row, even they show in 2 houses at the same time.

This movie has won so many awards including the Best Picture of Oscar. I believe most of us would think "Is it really that good?" when we are walking into the cinema.

I like the way they use a world known game show WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE, different country has their own version. The same game rules worldwide, a 'different' story in India.

I love their editing, it goes well with the music, energetic with great passion. The cinematography is adorable, playing around with shape colours, like their colourful sari , what indian ladies wear.

Chris asked me, "Does it makes you wanna go India?"
I said" Yes, but I need the sound track with me"

27 February 2009

夏菲米克的時代 MILK

Milk is based on the true story of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay politician in California.

Director Gus Van Sant made it like a semi-documentary, very smooth mixing old clips in the movie.

Sean Penn's performance was amazing as Harvey Milk, there are some pics of the real Harvey Milk, Sean does look alike Harvey a lot and so as the other characters. He deserves the BEST ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE in the Oscar!

This movie also won the BEST WRITING (ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY) in the Oscar, the speech from writer Dustin Lance Black was beautiful.

26 February 2009

Total Failure!

It was the first time making Chinese dinner (excepts Wan Chai Pier dumplings)... and it was a total failure!

We got rice cooker for a few months, it was left in the box, finally used it last night!

First, I put way too much water in the rice, i think doubled the water than i should have put. It looked like mashed potato at the end...

I made two dishes:

1- Beef in black bean sauce... it's as easy as, chopping peppers and onion, cook them all with "garlic black bean sauce"... stupid me put salt in it... made the whole dish too salty and the beef so hard.

2- Fried Kale in ginger sauce... This one is better than the beef one, just too strong ginger, too hot...

I will be back! It's just wrong that I cant handle Chinese food huh!

24 February 2009

Beautiful Cake + M Bar

Last Saturday asked me where is good to do birthday drinks for his girlfriend. Since he ordered the cake from the Mandarin Cake Shop, I suggested to go to M Bar on the 25th floor of the Mandarin.

I am not a big fan of cakes usually, but this is so pretty and delicious! The top part of this red ball is made by dark chocolate, and the base is a creamy tiramisu with raspberry.

Since the Mandarin Hotel renovated 2 years ago, the M Bar (used to named Vong which was more mature and luxury) has been my favourite place for a nice chat with nice view. The big ship-shape-bar is cool and big enough to have some space available anytime. The service there is excellent in a casual way. Drinks are reasonably priced. Chill, nu jazz music.

23 February 2009

Shing Shing Lamb Chop in Red Wine Sauce

This recipe was provided by ar Shing. Last Friday I walked pass his restaurant on my way to Friday happy hour drinks, dragged him out of work for one drink, he told me this is his new idea for SS09.

Lamb Chop x 2 (~0.4lb each)
Butter: 1tb
Salt and pepper to taste

For the sauce:
Red Wine: 250ml
Ribena (利賓納): 250ml
Balsamic Vinegar: 100ml
Sugar to taste

Add the Wine, Ribena, and Balsamic Vinegar. Raise the heat to medium; simmer until the liquid is reduced to 1/3 of the amount. Add Sugar to taste.

Heat butter in frying pan over medium heat until the butter has melted.
Cook the chops until nicely browned on both sides, about 4 minutes per side for medium (70%).
Add salt and pepper while cooking.

I made it with brocolli, baby carrot, and mashed potato, but i guess fried sliced potato might go better with the lamb.

19 February 2009



首先POSTER構圖像幅水墨山水畫. 清裝的郭富城, 盤膝側坐構圖左邊, 那座山又像連綿不斷的絲綢, 由圖左邊, 往右往下的飄出畫面. 很有詩意的.

淺灰"天空"加上粗糙的紋路, 令海報多添一份滄桑感.

整幅圖的灰TONE, 有紅色印章的電影中文名稱作點綴.

這不是中西FUSION的最佳例子嗎? 真係靚到呢... ...




17 February 2009

Coldplay Viva La Vida Live tickets

Finally bought the tickets, at 10am this morning. I was expecting better seats but guess it's harder to complete with others as we are looking for 3 tickets, myself with Ivian and her bf.

Went to their last concert Twisted Logic Live in HK in 2006. It was the X&Y album which was my favourite of them. The concert was so good even the seat was just okay (everyone pushed to the front standing on chairs) I couldnt see much as... you know there are taller ppl~

I am looking forward to this concert, the Viva La Vida album is full of passion, hopefully it will bring a more exciting atmosphere.

Actually Chris Martin doesnt have great skill on singing, he sings off tone all the time, but his voice just has the power to touch ppl's heart.

I remember the first time I heard him singing live, their concert was playing on TV while I was travelling in Hanoi, Vietnam with Kylie. We were in the hotel room all ready to go out, but we stayed for a long time, we just couldnt stop watching...

15 February 2009

Chicken Fajita Warp

This is easy to make and taste good, especially the weather is getting hot and wet. Making this at home doesnt cost much less than eating in a Mexican Restaurant... but as it was Valentine's day yesterday, cooking this at home at least save us an hour bagging for table.

1/2 Yellow Capsicum
1/2 Red Capsicum
1 Green Capsicum
1 Red Onion
300g Chicken
1 pack Fajita Spices Mix
1 jar Salsa
1 pack Flour Tortilla

Slice all ingredients; cut vegetables in 1/4 inch strips, chicken brest in 1/2 inch strips.
Heat olive oil in a frying pan over medium heat.
Stir-fry chicken for 4-5 minutes, or until cooked.
Add Fajita Spices Mix and vegetables mxing with chicken in frying-pan.
Stir-fry for another 3 minutes until all vegetables and chicken mixed well with the spices.
Heat up the tortillas.

Ready~ Spoon some of the mixture and slasa on warm tortilla, fold it and enjoy.

14 February 2009


I really enjoyed this movie, the scripts are great! The acting battle between Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman is just amazing!

"Doubt can be a bond as powerful and sustaining as certainty"

12 February 2009

Coldplay live in Hong Kong 2009!!!

Coldplay return to Hong Kong for their second concert here.

They will play AsiaWorld-Arena on March 25 as part of their Viva La Vida tour.

Tickets are priced at HK$980, $780 and $480 and will be available at HKTicketing and Tom Lee outlets or online via http://www.hkticketing.com/ from February 17.

11 February 2009

尼斯燴雜菜牛肉螺絲粉 Beef Fusilli with Mixed Vegetables

I had a cold for 2 days, nose has been running. For tonight's dinner, wanted to make something healthy, and something i have made before, don't feel like tryingnew things with my sick brain.

This mixed vegetable pasta is very easy to make, just need to chop them all into small cubes and sauteed them in a big frying pan.


螺絲粉 - 200g (Fusilli )
碎牛肉 - 1 pack around 0.3-0.5 lbs (Minced Beef)
紅甜椒 - 1/2個 (1/2 Red capsicum)
黃甜椒 - 1/2 個 (1/2 Yellow Capsicum)
洋蔥 - 1 隻 (1 Onion)
茄子 - 1隻 (1 Eggplant)
蒜頭 - 2粒 (2 Garlic)
罐頭蕃茄連汁 - 1 罐 (1 can of Chopped Tomato with sauce)
o急汁 - 2湯匙 (Worcester Sauce- 2 tsp)
砂糖 - 1.5湯匙 (Sugar- 1.5 tsp)

碎牛肉以黑椒、糖、豉油醃20 分鐘。
燒熱兩湯匙油,爆香1粒蒜頭, 炒碎牛肉至8成熟盛起.

Original recipe from 浸雞胸肉伴尼斯燴雜菜 (http://www.towngascooking.com/ )

09 February 2009

Sauteed Pork Chops with Apple Cider Sauce

Tonight I made "Sauteed Pork Chops with Apple Cider Sauce" for dinner.
First time making pork chops, usually I don't like them cos they are hard to chew, so I did sauteing instead of baking as told by the recipe.
3 tablespoons olive oil
5 pork chops
seasoning salt to taste
black pepper to taste
1 teaspoon chopped garlic
4 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 bottle Apple cider
1 apple, sliced
1 onion, sliced

Heat olive oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Sprinkle chops with salt, pepper, garlic. Place in hot oil, and brown on both sides. Drizzle Worcestershire sauce over chops, and pour in apple cider.

Add apple and onion, saute until apple and onion are tendered, and sauce is about 1/3 left, add salt and pepper to taste. Remove chops, apple and onion to a plate. Add some cornstarch and simmer until sauce thickens, stirring frequently. Serve sauce over chops with mash potato.
Original recipe from:

08 February 2009

親密 Claustrophobia

Saw this movie on Thursday.

I love the movie name in English- Claustrophobia (密室恐懼症). The whole movie were divided into 8 scenes, in the car, in the lift, in the office...

Havent seen Canton love stories for a while, I am glad to have seen this one. I didnt feel much when I left the cinema, some parts were pretty long and slow, did need some time to digest it.

As mentioned in their synopsis- 淡淡的來, 卻縈繞不退... I have been thinking of this movie for a few days. So as director (岸西)Ivy Ho's past screenplays <男人四十> & <甜蜜蜜>, not too dramatic, but feel so close that the story could happen on you or any of your workmates.

Worth watching if you dont mind a bit slow...